Neurobiology of insight deficits in schizophrenia: An fMRI study

Mujeeb U. Shad, Matcheri S. Keshavan

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    38 Scopus citations


    Prior research has shown insight deficits in schizophrenia to be associated with specific neuroimaging changes (primarily structural) especially in the prefrontal sub-regions. However, little is known about the functional correlates of impaired insight. Seventeen patients with schizophrenia (mean age 40.0 ± 10.3; M/F = 14/3) underwent fMRI on a Philips 3.0 T Achieva system while performing on a self-awareness task containing self- vs. other-directed sentence stimuli. SPM5 was used to process the imaging data. Preprocessing consisted of realignment, coregistration, and normalization, and smoothing. A regression analysis was used to examine the relationship between brain activation in response to self-directed versus other-directed sentence stimuli and average scores on behavioral measures of awareness of symptoms and attribution of symptoms to the illness from Scale to Assess Unawareness of Mental Disorders. Family Wise Error correction was employed in the fMRI analysis. Average scores on awareness of symptoms (1 = aware; 5 = unaware) were associated with activation of multiple brain regions, including prefrontal, parietal and limbic areas as well as basal ganglia. However, average scores on correct attribution of symptoms (1 = attribute; 5 = misattribute) were associated with relatively more localized activation of prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia. These findings suggest that unawareness and misattribution of symptoms may have different neurobiological basis in schizophrenia. While symptom unawareness may be a function of a more complex brain network, symptom misattribution may be mediated by specific brain regions.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)220-226
    Number of pages7
    JournalSchizophrenia Research
    Issue number2-3
    StatePublished - Jul 1 2015


    • Deficits
    • FMRI
    • Insight
    • Neurobiology
    • Schizophrenia

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Psychiatry and Mental health
    • Biological Psychiatry


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