Nuclear transfer in the rhesus monkey: Practical and basic implications

Don P. Wolf, Li Meng, Nadia Ouhibi, Mary Zelinski-Wooten

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

40 Scopus citations


In early 1997, the birth of a lamb after transfer of the nucleus from an adult mammary gland cell into an enucleated oocyte, along with the production of rhesus monkeys by nuclear transfer of embryonic cells, marked a reemergence of the field of mammalian cloning. Clonally derived rhesus monkeys would be invaluable in biomedical research, and the commercial interests in transgenic sheep and cattle propagated by cloning are substantial. Nuclear transfer technology is under consideration in human in vitro fertilization clinics to overcome infertility secondary to advanced maternal age or mitochondrial-based genetic disease. Nuclear transfer involves preparing a cytoplast as a recipient cell, in most cases a mature metaphase II oocyte from which the chromosomes have been removed. A donor nucleus cell is then placed between the zona and the cytoplast, and fusion, as well as cytoplast activation, is initiated by electrical stimulation. Successful reprogramming of the donor cell nucleus by the cytoplast is critical - a step that may be influenced by cell cycle stage. Embryos produced by nuclear transfer are cultured in vitro for several cell divisions before cryopreservation or transfer to the oviduct or uterus of a host mother. The efficiency of producing live young by nuclear transfer in domestic species is low, with a high frequency of developmental abnormalities in both preterm and term animals. However, a number of pregnancies have now been established using fetal cells as the source of donor nuclei. The use of cell lines not only allows large clone sizes but also supports the ability to genetically manipulate cells in vitro before nuclear transfer. Ongoing research focused on the production of clonally derived rhesus monkeys using fetal fibroblasts and embryonic stem cells as the source of donor nuclei will be reviewed.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)199-204
Number of pages6
JournalBiology of reproduction
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1999

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Cell Biology


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