Kinetics of palmitate metabolism in patients before and after liver transplantation

R. E. Shangraw, F. Jahoor, J. Rabkin, A. Hayes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Plasma free fatty acid concentration [FFA] is elevated in patients with end stage liver disease. Elevated [FFA] interferes with glucose utilization, which is problematic when clinical decompensation occurs and hyperalimentation becomes indicated. To evaluate the mechanism producing elevated plasma [FFA] in liver disease, and its reversibility, 10 patients awaiting liver transplantation (OLT), 10 patients 7 days post-OLT and 10 healthy controls were infused with l-"C-palmitate at 0.08 /tmol/kg/min for 90 min after written informed consent. Palmitate isotopic enrichment was determined by GC/MS and 13CO2 enrichment by IRMS. Palmitate flux (Ra palm) and oxidation (palm ox) rates (/imol/kg/min) were calculated by isotope dilution. Data (mean ±SE) were compared by ANOVA (=p<0.05). fPalmitate1 Ra palm palm ox %oxidized Control 100+8 1.lit.18 .447+.054 44±5 Preop 130+12" 1.77+.16" .792+.107' 43±4 POBtop 1.30+.10 .606+.069 46±3 We conclude that the elevated [FFA] in liver disease is caused by increased lipolysis, with no impairment of lipid oxidation, and that lipid kinetics normalize early following liver transplantation. (Support: DK40566-05, RR-00334-29).

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)A817
JournalFASEB Journal
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1996
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biotechnology
  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Genetics


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